Residential Tenancy Agreement VIC

Residential Tenancy Agreement VIC

Residential Tenancy Agreement VIC

In Victoria, there is no requirement to have a written agreement in place for leases that are less than 5 years. It is however recommended that all leases are formalised in writing.

When offering a written tenancy agreement to a tenant in Victoria, you will need to give them an unsigned copy of the lease for them to read and sign.

The standard components of a written lease in Victoria are:

1. Total rent amount and terms of payment.
2. Total bond amount.
3. The term of the lease.
4. Agreed conditions and rules.
5. Any specific terms that the landlord and tenant have agreed upon.

When renting out your property privately in Victoria there are also other factors to consider such as condition reports, price increases, bond lodgement and tenant rights which are specific to Victoria.

A Victorian Residential Tenancy Agreement can be downloaded from the Consumer Affairs Victoria website:

Form 1 – Residential tenancy agreement (Word, 1.5MB).

More general and useful information can also be found via THIS LINK.

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